Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye For Now...

Dear My Twelve Blogger Followers from my Writing class(two of which are me),
I have a bit of some sad new...I will no longer be hosting this movies/television blog constantly. Try to hold back the tears on that information. Instead, I will be moving on to have a sort of short story blog. will be over my character of Moosey that I created near the end of my junior year. I will be posting the ones I have already written(and probably rewrite a few that have not survived the 8 months) to catch those of you up that weren't in my English class, and to refresh the memories of those that were.
So, unless I attend a sitting in a movie theater or something overly excites me(like the new season of V coming January 4), I won't be on.
I hope you'll like what I have in store.
So, Until then.................
A fond farewell my lovelies.

Tyler Thomas VanOstrand; the first

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tea Time With Tyler

And now...for the second installment of Tea Time With Tyler :-)
So, on the 19th of November, I went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Yes it was a month ago, but deal with it. Didn't feel like blogging then. But not much to say...except... it. was. awesome. the end...well, not the end yet. So much sadness...from the very(and I mean VERY) beginning, to the end. This movie just depressed me. For one big reason: all the death that happened in this part alone. I knew it was coming, but wasn't quite ready for it. On the note of's a picture. If you know who it is, you should be sad. If not...go watch the movie and have a good long cry.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nickleby, Nicholas

So...Nicholas Nickleby....this movie was just down right depressing. I'm usually okay with depressing long as they have some sort of comedic relief for the audience. And yes, there was some comedic relief during the film....just NOT ENOUGH.

The only thing I absolutely LOVED about this film was the absolutely fantastic cast list. Around every turn there was an actor popping out of the cupboard(not literally...even though that'd be pretty cool) and me yelling "WHOA NO WAY!!" at the screen. The main actor who plays Nicholas was Charlie Hunnam...and him I'm not a big fan of. But then there's Anne Hathaway(I'm not even going to waste my time putting a film in parenthesis here because you're dumb if you don't know who Anne Hathaway is), Jim Broadbent(Horace Slughorn in the Harry Potter films), Nathan Lane (Snowbell in Stuart Little), Christopher Plummer (George von Trapp in The Sound of Music), Alan Cumming (Nightcrawler in X2), and Timothy Spall (Peter Pettigrew in the Harry Potter films). Now, put them all together and I am one happy ginger. :D

Now, on the depressing side. Within like five minutes, there is a dead bird. Just that should have gotten me to turn it off. But I wanted to see Anne Hathaway(even though she didn't make an appearance til about an hour and fifteen minutes into the film). Jim Broadbent is an absolutely amazing villainous character. He runs a school/orphanage place and beats the kids. It absolutely disgusted me watching this, but the moment where Nicholas Nickleby stole his whip and beat him with it made me very cheerful. :) Then my favorite character in the movie, Smike(portrayed by Jamie Bell), ends up dying :( :( :( WHY IS IT THAT MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN A MOVIE ALWAYS DIES!?!?!?!?!?!? Then we later find out that Smike is the son of Christopher Plummer's character who is the main villian in the film. So, he kills himself. More depression. Ugh.

But all in all, the amazing cast makes up for the depression. I actually quite enjoyed this film. It recieves a B from me(haha...that rhymed).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

DVD of the Week: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Week Twelve of my DVD of the Week Post is....

The decision for my week twelve post for this series of blogs is most definitely one of the hardest decisions I've had to make, pertaining to my blog. Because I've know for awhile now that I was going to make it Harry Potter themed since part one of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out Friday...I just wasn't sure which route I was going to take. I could have chosen my favorite, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I could have chosen the one where it all started, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, since this Friday(November 19, 2010) is the beginning of the end for the Harry Potter franchise. But I decided to just go with the one that leads up to this one. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

I'm pretty biased when it comes to these movies, since I'm a total fanatic over them and can probably go through 95% of each film saying the lines along with the characters. So this really isn't going to be a big blog. I'm just going to say...I love Harry Potter. I did love this movie, even though it wasn't as great as some of the others. And I know I'm going to love the final two. I just felt the need to bring unnecessary attention to the next film. So yep.

And I'm going to be flat out honest....I don't care about the changes and/or additions they make from book to movie. Like the addition of the Weasley's house getting set on fire in this film. That's just how I am. I could blog about the addition/changes all day...but I don't care so I'm not going to. Comment below if you're ticked about some changes/additions to any of the films in the Potter franchise. This movie gets a 94% grade from me.


DVD of the Week: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Week Eleven of my DVD of the Week Post is....

I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!!! I know it's week twelve, and this is just the week eleven post....but I got caught up in life. So, shut up! Okay...soo....this movie is called I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, it's based on the book of the same name, it's pretty funny. And it has Jesse Bradford(from Clockstoppers and Bring It On) in it...I haven't seen him in a film in awhile, so this made me kind of happy. But the main actor, Matt Czuchry....SUCKS!!! I cannot stand him!!! I would recommend this film solely for Jesse Bradford, whose character was my favorite in the film....his character is a video game addict that just broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him for some rapper and he ends up falling for some stripper who has a son that is just like him(yes..I realize this is a runon sentence, but I don't feel like making it proper)... even though the main actor is a horrible actor...I still quite enjoyed this movie.... 2.8 out of 4....yes, I'm probably gonna start putting ratings on most of these to make it more obvious how I feel. K? okay.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

DVD of the Week: Penelope

Week Ten of my DVD of the Week Post is....

So, this whole "blogging thing" is pretty fun. And time seems to be flying. Can't believe we're already on week ten. So...last week I was planning on having this big "WEEK TEN" blog as some special movie that meant a lot to me. But I just realized that there's less than 2 hours until it's time for the "week eleven" blog, so I went into my room, closed my eyes, and picked a movie....but I didn't like the movie I picked, so I moved my finger two movies over and came across "Penelope". I absolutely ADORE this movie. I have watched this several times.

And I. Love. Every. Single. Stinking. Actor. That. Is. In. This. Twist. On. Fairy. Tale. Movie. And. Yes. This. Whole. Word. Then. Period. Thing. Is. Getting. Quite. Annoying. So,. I'll. Stop. Now. :)

Christina Ricci played Penelope beautifully, my eyes were pretty much glued to the screen the entire time. And James McAvoy is always a great choice as a romance character in a comedy film. And Catherine O'Hara, if I were blessed, and given up for adoption...I'd want Catherine O'Hara as my adoptive mother.. xD

If you havn't already seen this...go see it. It's very cute and a nice watch.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Your Turn

I'm trying to get away from the usual junk films I watch, for awhile. So, everyone who is reading this should now comment below and tell me you THREE favorite films you watch. If I haven't already seen it, I'll make it my top priority to watch it and blog about it. Any movie. Let's see what you got..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DVD of the Week: The Fourth Kind

Week Nine of my DVD of the Week Post is....

Alien Encounter of The First Kind: Sighting
Alien Encounter of The Second Kind: Evidence
Alien Encounter of The Third Kind: Contact

And Alien Encounters of The Fourth Kind.... Abduction.

So, before I watched the movie, with my friend Kayleah, I posted on Facebook "Opinions on The Fourth Kind, anyone?". Other than the one "like" I got, there were two comments, and they were partly opposite of one another. One friend of mine said that the movie is "scary as f$@!" and that she "couldn't walk out the door" after watching it. So, my thought was oh no, mixed with awesome, cause horror movies and I don't go way back. The other friend said the movie was "dumb but pretty creepy". Which I tried not to let get to me, cause most of the time I won't ask opinions on movies until after I've already seen it, or else I start worrying if the movie is going to be lame or not and that usually ends up ruining the movie for me. 

Well, this movie wasn't very dumb. I found the storyline to be quite interesting and intense. I absolutely LOVED how they did the whole split screen with the actor and "real person". That made the movie much cooler, and quite unique. But it was not scary at all, just EXTREMELY creepy. Near the end, my palms and feet were sweating, but there was not a single point in this film I actually jumped. Kayleah did though xD

"This film "purports to be based on actual events occurring in Nome, Alaska in 2000, in which Dr. Abigail Tyler(portrayed by Milla Jovovich, of the Resident Evil franchise) uses hypnosis to uncover memories from her patients of Alien abductions" (Wikipedia). But it was later found out to be untrue. Universal Pictures just did what was done with Paranormal Activity, make it seem like it is based on actual events to draw in a crown. Cause, in all honesty, before I Wikipediaed the film, I believed it actually happened, which made it even more creepier. So, Universal had the right idea.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I challenge thee....TO A DUEL!!! I wizard duel that is!! So, it is exactly 25 days until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART ONE comes out into theaters (part 2 comes out in 3D in 263 days).

And my challenge for my dozen blogger followers (3 of those followers are probably me), is to watch each and every(six) Harry Potter film up until the release date on November 19th. You could watch one every 3 days from now. You could watch one every day, starting on November 13, leading up to that Friday. Or you could start at 8 a.m. on November 18th, my 18th birthday, just fyi, and watch all the films nonstop, with an hour for driving/eating time, so you can make it to the midnight premier.

Personally, I'm probably just going to watch them at random times and random dates on spaces of the timeline up until then. Most likely, just when I feel like it. I'll probably start tonight, cause I kind of feel like it. But oh well, I'm going to watch them. And that's all that matters.

For you stupid people...the films are as follows, and in this order...

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

So get out of here and go watch 'em before I Avada Kadavara your ass. O.O

*Photos are in order of films...last one being the newest poster for the HP7pt1*

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who knew?

Apparently, the Savoy 16 has a free fall matinée every Saturday and Sunday at 9 & 10 a.m. until the fourteenth of November. Just found this out, wish I would have know about this sooner(since it starts mid September). Yes, I's a tad bit early to get up and go to a movie on a Saturday/Sunday. But you know what....IT'S FREE..and nothing's better than Free. These do have 15 minute intermissions, probably cause it's so early and people need some move-around time.

October 30th and 31st: The Last Airbender...and i'll probably end up going to see this for my dad's birthday since he hasn't gotten to see'll be my third freakin time seein this.

November 6th and 7th: Ramona and Beezus...which I have yet to see yet, so I may force the little ones to go with me to see it.

And the last one of the season is November 13th and 14th: Despicable Me...which is an AWESOME movie!! Love this movie so much, I kinda want to go see it again just because it was that awesome. And for a few giggles from my limited readership..."IT'S SOOO FLUFFY!!!!" :-)

Yes, these aren't brand new movies. But who care. FREE!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

DVD of the Week: Steamboy

Week Eight of my DVD of the Week post is....

This is the most expensive full length Japanese film to date, and was in production for TEN YEARS. The film revolves around a young 13 year old James "Ray" Steam( English voiced by Anna Paquin) living in an altered form of Manchester, England. It mainly takes place in a warped science fiction 19th Century London. His main objective throughout most of the film is to protect the newly invented(by Ray's Grandfather( English voiced by Patrick Stewart)) steamball. It's mainly just a back and forth of who's the bad group of characters in the book. First you think the dad is bad, then the grandpa, then just blah! Idk. 

The movie has a good storyline. And the historical fluctuations dealing with all the machinery and technology take overs was pretty cool. But suggestion before watching: take a nap. Even though the film is a only a little over 2 hours, it seems to go on forever at points because two hours is two long for an anime movie. I paused it multiple times so I could walk out of the room and take a break. And about the half way mark, I did fall asleep... but all-in-all, the film was a good watch. Especially the last 30 minutes or so, so much action and destruction, VERY INTENSE stuff!! I would highly recommend it. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And my life begins to crumble.

About two minutes ago I got the dreadful, unofficial(all the actors have pretty much said that they aren't getting their contracts renewed), news.....that my favorite summer television series of 2010 was cancelled after only one season. The Gates. Oh, ABC...why? why do you do this to me? I am a faithful follower of many of your television shows, and yet you keep punching me in the face. First Eastwick, now this. Hey, here's a suggestion....STOP AIRING SCIENCE FICTION SHOWS THAT I WILL GET HOOKED ON, WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave that to the Sy Fy Channel or even The CW, they seem to be doing an awesome job with it.

And the worst part is....their season(err...*tear*....series) finale was epic and amazing and crazy....and a horrible cliff hanger that will forever be unresolved. Ughh. One of the worst feelings in the world is when one of your favorite shows gets executed. It seems to be happening a lot to me. First TV show with a succubus as a main character, and it gets cancelled after 13 episodes...this sucks arse...

How the hell do you end a show with...
Mom: What did you do to my son?
Witch: I told you I could bring him back, I never said he would be the same..
**Roll End Credits**

I'm now going to go do what the Crimson Chin did when he found out he was a fictional character....go lie on the floor in the fetal position... :'(

R.I.P. The Gates June 20, 2010 -  September 19, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm not your mom...

Ok kiddos....I am just a simple minded ginger here....I am not your mother. If in one of my blogs you are reading, and do not know of the movie I am blogging about....there are a few sites you can go to to learn about movies...cause I'm lazy and really don't feel like explaining the plot and crap every single post.,,, and I'm sure if you just Googled it you'd find something on it. Just felt the need to tell ya'll this, cause some of you aren't very bright...

****THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT.....brought to you by cheez-its(not really)****


In English we are reading The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and now that we've finished the book our teacher has so kindly allowed us to watch the 1996 film version of the play. This movie probably hasn't been properly reviewed in over a decade, so this is what I'm here for...

The film stars Daniel Day Lewis(There Will Be Blood) and Winona Ryder(Mr. Deeds). And the actors cast for these roles are.....perfect. I was absolutely p*ssed at Abigail the entire movie and for the people being hanged/hung/whatever I felt deeply trouble(especially because of the horror and upset on Rebecca Nurse's face at the end...*sigh*). Also....Mary Pat of my favorite non super famous actress, who mainly just guest stars on shows/films...but it made my day when I realized she was in the film. The actors really brought emphasis to how crazy and extreme this event of the Salem Witch Trials was. This film has one of the greatest casts I have seen.

One thing I noticed from the very start of the film was how great the score(the music) was. There is nothing more annoying than a movie with a score that does not fit, like an intense war seen with teen pop music playing in the background...NO. And the score to this film fit perfectly. It was dark and dreary when something bad was going down. At times it made me nauseous and just made me feel like I wanted to punch someone in the face.

And like the cast and the score...the setting too was perfect. Just outstanding. I actually felt that this is what Salem could have looked like. And the setting also made the mood much darker.

Gosh, I'm pretty much just repeating that this movie was perfect and awesome. Every aspect, name something and I'll probably say that it was perfect in this film. Cast? Check. Score? Check. Setting? Check. Directing? Check. Check. Check. Check. Check.

This is an extremely intense movie. And 100% my favorite movie that we have watched in English class for all four years of high school so far, actually...probably my favorite movie of English class of my educational life. There wasn't one point where I was nodding off, which is usually what happens...and that is a HUGE accomplishment, in my book, for a decade old movie. I usually prefer fresh, new movies. And this movie did seem fresh and new. If Ms. Fultz would have said it just came out on DVD a few weeks ago, I probably would have believed her. This is a movie I could watch over and over again, even though I was deeply depressed by the end...

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Oh, Smallville. I think Clark Kent's super speed has caused the time to fly by ( I was going to use the whole "Superman can fly" pun, but you know what....HE HASN'T exactly LEARNED TO FLY YET.)

Last night was Smallville's 200th episode. And the past two weeks I've been reading pretty much everything I could on it cause I've been uber excited!! And the one thing I read was that there was going to be a Clois(Clark and Lois) moment at the very end. And...IT HAPPENED. It was an amazing moment for Smallville. 

The episode starts out with Clark and Lois heading off to their Smallville High class reunion. I was very disappointed that there were very few(one, other than Clark and Lois) students portrayed in the early seasons to return. 

But the one student that did return was one of the most important ones, the first person with meteor rock powers that Clark put away on the show. In episode 2 of the show, a guy by the name of Greg Arkin gets in a car wreck with his bug collection. The bugs, which unknown by Greg, are meteor rock-enhanced. The bugs get loose, bit him, he turns into this bug monster dude, he wreaks havoc on some people(including Lana), Grey supposedly crushes himself to death by falling machinery. He returns to the reunion, and ends up telling Lois to tell Clark thank you for putting him on the right path at the end. And that Clark is Smallville's  small town hero. This is a turning point for Clark, and ultimately the show, since it shows Clark that not all of his past is bad and that he actually did good.

James Marsters, who last played the evil Braniac in season 5 and 7, returns after a 47 episode absence as Braniac 5.0 to show Clark who he needs to become. Clark takes a little trip to the past, visiting his father's funeral in episode 100 and also learning that it was not his fault his father died even though he changed fate in episode 100 to save Lana's life, to the present, seeing that his friends are struggling without his help and he is needed especially by his best friend Oliver who just revealed to the world he was the Green Arrow, and to the future.

The second he appears in the future, he is carted off by Lois who quickly forces him to put on those famous glasses. And this Lois knows of his powers and jumps at any chance to help Clark keep his secret. And then Clark runs into.....his future self. Who apparently knew Clark was going to take this trip to the future. They meet up in the elevator of The Daily Planet, Clark is told he is in the future to see who he needs to become, for the sake of the planet, and that his assistance is needed on the roof of the Daily Planet. There is an explosion, future Clark super speeds out of the elevator...and then we get to see the red and blue blur of the Superman suit as future Clark flies off into the sky. Clark ends up saving future Lois, as the explosion Superman flew off to ends up causing the helicopter future Lois was in to crash off the Daily Planet. 

Clark returns to the present, but at a bad time. As he takes Lois to go dance with her, since he was on his little timeline trip for quite awhile, the dance ends and everyone leaves before they get to dance. Clark makes it up to her by meeting her in his barn later that night. Clark lights up the disco ball, turns on the music, and they dance. Romance moment for Smallville. And happens.....the moment Smallville fans have been waiting for.....due to Clark's realization of what he has to do, and that his future is bright, and the calmness/romanticness of the mood......HE FLIES....CLARK KENT FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!....only problem is, I don't know if he realized this or not. Lois was standing on his shoes they wouldn't step on each other's feet while dancing, and then he just starting going up. Then end credits rolled and I yelled at the television >.<

It was an amazing episode. Definitely now one of my favorites. It lived up to my expectations, and I cannot wait until the next episodes. Apparently they writers have the whole series mapped out until the very last episode now, I just wish they'd tell us how the series is going to end. -_-

And some good news to end with....This episode brought in 3.18 million viewers!! The highest it's ever been since Season 8 episode 21!!!!!!...maybe with all the higher ratings this season is bringing in, the CW might change their mind and go on to an eleventh season!! finger's crossed!! :) :) :) :) :)

>>for reference: this is not technically the 200th episode. In the last season, two episodes were filmed back to back for a TV movie for Smallville. This is technically the 199th episode, however it IS the 200th episode produced, since the episodes that were filmed as one were produced as 2. So the producers do consider this the 200th episode of Smallville<<

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DVD of the Week: Rugrats Go Wild

Week seven of my DVD of the Week post is....

I absolutely love shows that have crossovers. Especially when it comes to two of my favorite shows. The Fairly Oddparents and Jimmy Neutron had multiple crossover episodes. Many crossover shows spun off entirely new shows, like Grey's Anatomy had a crossover episode that eventually led to it's spin-off series, Private Practice. Crossover shows are also a great way to boost ratings, someone may not be a fan of one show, but they sure will watch it if it's going to be featuring characters from their favorite shows.

Now, Rugrats Go Wild...if you couldn't tell right away, it's a crossover movie with Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys. This is the one and only movie of Rugrats that earned the horrible pg rating. Oh No. 

Stu Pickles convinces his family and friends, all the characters from the original Rugrats cast minus Susie's parents, to take a cruise. Little did they know is that the cruise was on a rickety old boat Stu rented that would end up leaving them stranded on a deserted island. However, it wasn't quite deserted. On the far side of the island was the campsite of the Thornberry family, who were in search of a clouded leopard for Nigel's TV series. The babies end up finding their way into the jungle, and end up at the top of the leopard's lunch menu. Elisa's power to communicate to animals gives us one new AWESOME detail...what Tommy's dog, Spike,'s voice sounds like. And it sounds almost exactly like Bruce Willis's voice. In the end, the babies are saved, and Debbie Thornberry gets her wish that her overworked parents finally take them on a cruise, and a real cruise with the Pickles family and friends.

The only problem I have with this movie is that almost exactly one year later, and only three days apart from one another, both The Wild Thornberrys and Rugrats were cancelled by Nickelodeon. :( :( :( This movie marks the end of both The Wild Thornberrys and Rugrats film franchises. Hopefully, since next year marks Rugrat's 20th anniversary, they may do some reunion thing. We can only hope, can't we.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

DVD of the Week: Spongebob Squarepents Season One

Week six of my DVD of the Week post is....

This is, without a doubt, the greatest season of Spongebob Squarepants. This is when the creators actually had good, original, hilarious ideas. This is the one season where most of the episodes became quotable and many are used on a daily, at least weekly, basis. Like the very first episode of the series where Mr. Krabs says, "That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells . . . smelly', I can't count how many times I've used that line.

This season also had the best songs of the series. Like "Ripped Pants" and "F.U.N."...F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for u and me, N is for n-e where and n-e time at all down here in the deep blue sea. =)

Of all the seasons of Spongebob Squarepants I would chose this one to have with me on a deserted island. I'm not saying that the following seasons are bad or anything because THEY'RE NOT...anything dealing with Spongebob Squarepants is amazing....I'm just saying that season one is the best. End of Story.

So, what's your favorite Spongebob Squarepants episode? favorite song from the show? Or what's your favorite quote, cause I know you got one. Leave words down below my jellyfish friends. 

TEA Time with Tyler

This week I'm starting a new series of blogs called TEA (ThEAter) Time with Tyler. As soon as I see a movie at the theater, I'll come home and tell you about it. Hopefully all my reviews will be good, because there is nothing worse than a bad movie experience. But not once have I ever walked out of a movie, which I guess is a good thing. Now that I'm starting this series of blogs, maybe I can use it as an excuse to go to the movies more often. :D we'll see. =)

First up to bat is You Again. I absolutely adored this movie so much. There were so many amazing actors/actresses in it, like Kristin Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver, Kristin Chenoweth, a cameo by "The Rock", and the outstanding Betty White.

Quick plot summary from Wikipedia...Marni (Kristen Bell), discovers her brother, Will (James Wolk), is about to marry her high school rival, Joanna (Odette Yustman), and sets out to expose the fiancee's true colors. The plot thickens when Marni's mother Gail (Jamie Lee Curtis) meets up with Joanna's aunt Ramona (Sigourney Weaver), and it is revealed that Gail and Ramona were also high school rivals.

This does seem more like an old lady movie, however. And critics aren't liking this movie at all. I'd give this movie a B because it stretched out too many parts that should have been quicker, but the audience in the theater I went to was loving it, got many obnoxious laughs from a bunch of people. But the concept of the movie was well thought out, and Betty White and Jamie Lee Curtis made this movie much better. And not once did I look at my cell phone to see if the movie was almost over, which is saying something since I even did that during Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Also, the Cloris Leachman guest appearance at the end was epically awesome. Her and Betty White together was amazing.

If you're going to see this what I did, and take your grandma. It's not really exciting enough for the kids. But it does have a little spark for the teens.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

DVD of the Week: The Little Mermaid Trilogy

Week five of my DVD of the Week post is....

Yes, The Little Mermaid Trilogy. Guys...don't be ashamed to admit, The Little Mermaid is freaking awesome. This box set of all three The Little Mermaid movies is a-ma-za-zing!! The Little Mermaid is definitely one of Disney's most known characters, and that's why I feel this is a must see/own. Yes, The Little Mermaid is the best, and the sequal(The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea), and the prequal(The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning) aren't as good. But they're still good.

The Little Mermaid: Girl is a mermaid, wants to be human, makes bad deal with wicked sea, witch, Ursala, prince saves the day, everyone lived happily ever after. This is the only one of the three that actually went to theaters, the ones following were direct-to-dvd, which is very popular with most Disney sequels.

The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea: Ariel and Prince Eric have daughter, Melody, Melody doesn't know about mermaids and is "guarded" by the sea with a giant wall, Ursala's sister, Morgana, seeks revenge, Melody is made into a mermaid and convinced that her grandpa, King Triton, stole "Morgana's" trident, Morgana gets trident, bad things happen, Melody makes everything right by getting trident back, King Triton freezes her, everyone lived happily ever after with Melody using trident to destroy the wall separating Prince Eric's kingdom from the sea.

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning: everything that went on when Ariel was young, prequel to The Little Mermaid. Bad things happened and in the guessed it...everyone lived happily ever after.

One thing I hate about animation, is they try to change the actors who voice thinking you won't notice. But, you do. And that's what's awesome about The Little Mermaid trilogy, even though there is almost twenty years between the Original and the prequel, Jodi Benson voice Ariel for each and every one. I don't mind so much about the supporting characters, but the main character the shows revolve around is very important.

And to end on some AWESOME news...with the recent success of Disney's live-action version Alice in Wonderland, it was just recently announced that Joe Wright(director of Atonement, Soloist, and Pride & Prejudice) will helm a live action adaption of The Little Mermaid, supposedly being released in 2012.

Tuesday Take Two

So a week ago was Tuesday night of Premier Week 2010. And well, there was a storm and the power went out and I didn't get to see any of the premier shows for Tuesday night, as explained in my blog entitled, "Premier Week: Tuesday, September 21, 2010: Ruined". So, this is my second attempt at watching the Tuesday night shows. No, they aren't the premiers(with the exception of No Ordinary Family), but they're close. So, this is what you're getting.

At 7 on Fox is Glee. Where do I begin? I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!!! It's about a bunch of kids in Glee club. They sing. Very well, I might add. And tonight's episode was pretty darn sweet. The episode, Britney/Brittany, is a Britney Spears themed episode. The Glee Club wants to do Britney Spears songs for the pep rally, but one member Brittany Susan Pears(Brittany S.Pears), played by Heather Morris, doesn't want to do the songs because she feels she was always judged because she thinks her name is Brittany Spears also, I love her character so much, so Mr. Schuester, who didn't want to do the songs in the first place, doesn't let them do the songs. Some of the cast goes to the dentist, where they have Britney Spears-themed fantasies once under the anesthesia. Britney Spears has a guest role in these dreams where she's a teacher, cheerleader, ect. Then at the end Mr. Schuester decides to do Britney Spears song for the pep rally to try to impress Emma, the school counselor he is in love with. Glee is an amazing show. Always a great choice in music. And amazing actors!

Also at 7, this time on ABC, was newcomer No Ordinary Family. This WAS the premier episode of the show. And just after watching the pilot, I am hooked on this show. People have been referring to this as a "live-action Incredibles" however, there is one big difference....The Incredibles used their powers to save people, The Powell family doesn't. Only Jim, the father, has attempted to use his powers, that they obtained from a plane crash in a chemically-polluted river/lake, for the greater good...but he works in a police station, so it's in his nature. Dad = indestructible, except for week point in back of neck, can catch bullets, can jump really far. Mom = fast. Daughter = read minds, found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend this way. Son = super genius. This show is a must watch. It is extremely entertaining and fun for anyone.

Right after No Ordinary Family was a new show on ABC, Raising Hope. Hope is the baby of a 23 year old guy, while the mother of the baby was given the death sentence and executed, leaving Jim to care for his baby by himself. Well, not exactly by himself. He lives with his parents and his Maw Maw. The biggest problem I have with the show is that all the main actors are nobodies. And Cloris Leachman, who portrays Maw Maw, is only a guest star. This show isn't the greatest, but it has a fun storyline. But it's kind of hard to watch, for me, because I'm so used to the whole redneck outlook on life, just by living in Farmstrong, that the show was actually getting to a point that it was annoying me, and sometimes it annoyed me in a good way. So, I don't know. There are many things wrong and many things right with this show. Maybe in the long run I'll start to like it, but I've already stopped watching many shows from premier week that hopefully this one isn't added to the "drop list".

Next, right after Raising Hope, was Running Wilde. What Raising Hope failed in, is what Running Wilde succeeded in. It's two main stars, Keri Russell and Will Arnett, are two I actually know. However, this show is an epic fail. I got about twenty minutes into it, and shut it off because it was so boring. I HIGHLY SUGGEST writing a letter to your governor expressing your concern for ABC at it's pathetic attempt at labeling this a "comedy". I laughed very hard when I went to its wikipedia page and read "Running Wilde is a comedy television series..." because it's totally opposite of that. And now...I'm going to stop talking about it.

And for the 9:00 time slot, I switched over to NBC for Parenthood. This is a show I didn't watch last season, for some unknown reason. And now I'm totally P.O.ed that I didn't. I don't know how...but I must have missed the announcement that said that MAE WHITMAN IS IN PARENTHOOD!!! OMFG!!! Mae Whitman, my favorite voice actress(Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Rose/Huntsgirl in American Dragon: Jake Long, and Tinkerbell in the Tinkerbell movie series), stars in this show. This show is categorized as "comedy-drama"....but it's much more drama than comedy. Sometimes I didn't laugh, when it was obvious they wanted the audience to laugh, but where it lacked comedy the drama made up for it. It has a nice storyline and some amazing actors. However, I technically didn't miss the series premier of this show, since it premiered a week earlier(September 14) than premier week. But I felt like talking about it. So :P

Tuesday isn't the best day of the week...obviously, since it's pretty much the beginning of the work/school week.....but it's not the worst, TV wise. It has a nice mixture of shows and it was quite enjoyable.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Premier Week: Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, end of the week. And ending of premiers(except for the late bloomers like CSI: Miami and No Ordinary Family). After this week, all the next episodes will be just like any ordinary episode, up until finale week in May...however, Smallville's 200th(technically 199th) episode is October 15th, so look out for that since James Marsters is back as Braniac :) Now, back on topic here....Sunday was mainly just reality television and Fox's animation domination lineup.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is how I started off my Sunday evening. It airs at 7 on ABC. And this season premier was definitely star packed. Special guests on this episode were Raven Symone, Katy Perry, Shaquille O'Neal, and the kids from Modern Family: Rico Rodriguez, Ariel Winter, and Nolan Gould. If it wasn't for these stars, I probably wouldn't have watched it, because I don't normally watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. This episode was very intense, having to deal with a lightning storm that almost completely flooded and ruined the inside of the house, and it was an extremely important episode since it was for an entire organization(Boys Hope, Girl Hope) instead of just another family. But, this is just another reality show, nothing to grand about this show except that it's one of the few that give to a needy cause, rather than giving a huge sum of money to a very unneedy person who'll probably go and blow it all on some strippers or something.

In between the two reality shows was Fox's comedy block, which also stars at 7, with a show ever half an hour until 9...

Which started off with The Simpsons. The season premier had Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, and Amber Riley from Glee and Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie from Flight of the Concords over for a very musical episode of The Simpsons. The Glee kids were only there for a short while, but it was still great. This episode was all about the arts. Krusty thought he won a Nobel Piece Prize so he went to Olso with Homer, who laughs at pretty much all of Krusty's lame jokes, but instead of arriving in Olso, they arrive in The Hague to attend World Court for all the despicable behavior of Krusty's over the years. Bart and Homer free him by showing the court a video of a show Krusty quit, that may have resulted in the South African government releasing Nelson Mandela. Lisa attends performing arts camp. And the rest is history. I love The Simpsons and am not surprised at all that it's lasted 22 years. Hopefully it'll last many more.

Next on Fox's comedy block was The Cleveland Show, which also did a somewhat similar show with musical guest Kanye West playing a parody of himself, whose character, Kenny West, said at one time "I still think Beyonce should have won". That was hilarious!! Keke Palmer also guest starred as Kanye's character's daughter. And a big part of this episode was the fact that Cleveland knew Barack Obama when they were teenagers and could never beat him at basketball, this unaccomplished life goal causes Cleveland to say on national television that "Barack Obama hates black people" which causes Obama to come to Cleveland's home and beat him at basketball, once again.

The last thing on Fox's comedy block for this week was the hour long premier of Family Guy, until the American Dad premier next week. And the episode was definitely worth the extra half an hour. The episode took on the shape of a murder mystery. The episode is entitled "And Then There Were Fewer" simply because, five people died. James Woods, Murial Goldman, Dianne Simmons, a guy named Derek, and this really annoying fat chick, whose name I do not remember, were the five victims of the season premier. Family Guys definitely wins in the who's funnier category of Fox's comedy block.

And the end of the night was the season two premier of Undercover Boss on CBS at 8 o'clock. It is one of my favorite television reality shows because it shows that there are big boss guys that really do care about things other than money...they're just stupid and locked up in their offices so long they have no clue what's going on outside.

Sunday is a good night to sit and have a good laugh and watch a little reality t.v. But if you do not like animation comedy shows or reality, like my grandma, you, my friend, are $h!t out of luck. =)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Premier Week: Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday....WORST. DAY. OF. THE. WEEK. Unless you're a sports fan or somethin....which I most certainly am not. So yep. Basketball, tennis, golf, baseball, football, soccer, blah, blah, blah, blah. You want to hear about sports, it is highly unlikely you will here it from me, unless I decide to sit down and watch Remember the Titans or something. The only thing on Fridays other than sports is the Saturday morning cartoons, but there were no premiers today so they have nothing to do with this blog, and Saturday Night Live, which I didn't watch and it saddens me that I didn't watch it cause Katy Perry was, if you would like to hear about sports and junk go to my friend's Kayleah's blog, Sports All Year Round, and you'll get your weekly dose of sports...cause you most definitely aren't getting it here. Now goodbye.
*photograph from Semi Pro

Premier Week: Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, my favorite day of television. Smallville and Supernatural. Back to Back...along with a few other shows. Now, one good thing about Friday, there aren't as many shows as I tune into to watch. Which meant I could relax more, and not watch a bunch of stuff and just get bored(which I think was happening with many of the other posts from earlier this week).

I tuned into Smallville on The CW the second it began airing at 7. Smallville is my favorite show and, if you don't already know, it follows the life of Clark Kent(along with some friends, superhero/ nonsuperhero/ old/ new) as he becomes the iconic superhero we all know and love...Superman. And this season premier was awesome for many many many many reasons!! One being: Lex a way. That way, being clones that looked nothing like Michael Rosenbaum (who played Lex until season 7, when the character was "killed off") which was very disappointing. Another being that JOHN SCHNEIDER FINALLY RETURNED TO SMALLVILLE AFTER FIVE SEASONS!!!!!!!!!! Also, we finally got to see the superman suit(other than just a tiny super awesome reflection in Clark's eye like the season 9 finale). This episode was just amazing, except for the part that Cloe put on Dr. Fate's helmet, found out where Oliver(the green arrow) was, and traded herself for him...which is probably going to keep her out a few episodes this season. And somehow, Lois ends up in a desert. Idk what the real deal on this was, but what's awesome. And another thing...Smallville went up in ratings...majorly!!! Higher than any episode of last season!!!

A bad fact of the night....Supernatural had lower ratings than Smallville, and if The CW is taking Smallville off for low ratings...and Smallville had higher ratings than can only know what's coming up. :( and it could have also been the fact that this episode was extremely boring!! And it's not just me that thought this. My fellow Supernatural watcher, Ashlyn Green, said that "the whole fight thing was interesting, but it seemed too short. The whole episode seemed to revolve around Dean's family problems, which I thought was kind of boring." and by "fight thing" she is referring to the part where the djinn attacked and tried to kill them...which I totally agree with, that was definitely the best part of the episode for me, which is very disappointing. And yes, the episode seemed to put too much camera time on Dean's normal life that he made for himself when his brother went to Hell. Seasons 1-5 had Eric Kripke, creator of the show, as showrunner....and he wanted the series to end at season five, but with their high ratings, at the time, The CW said no, Eric Kripke stepped down as showrunner and Sera Gamble took over. And now the show it sucking. Didn't see that one coming **sarcasm**. Supernatural better get it's dark, creepy situations back in line, or all I see in it's short future is a downhill slope of ratings.

The third and last show of the night I watched was brand new. Blue Bloods on CBS at 9. It stars Tom Selleck, one of my grandma's favorite actors...which may be a bad thing if CBS was hoping to get some younger views. And it was definitely number 3 on the top 3 shows I watched. Not really my cherry on top. So, ignore this paragraph, or go back and read the others cause this is nothing compared to Smallville and Supernatural and I don't even want to blog about this, I just feel I have to since I watched it. Oh look...a quarter!!

Friday was short and sweet, with lots of action and terror and crazy awesomeness. Hopefully Smallville's ratings continue to go up, and Supernatural's ratings don't go down any more. So, don't go to the darn football games you doers. Don't do. Sit at home and watch. K? Thanks.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Premier Week: Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Thursday night of premier week was full of drama, comedy, and a dash of mockumentary.

We'll start with the mockumentary at 7p.m. My Generation is another new show ABC released for it's fall lineup. It follows a group of young adults who were filmed for a documentary just before their graduation from Greenbelt High School in Austin, Texas to talk about their hopes and dreams they want to accomplish as adults. They meet up ten years later and talk about how their lives are now, and whether or not things went as they were planned in high school. There aren't any stars I recognized, and they only name I recognized was Julian, I'm not going to talk about the stars. Google "My Generation actors" or something.

Also at 7, this time on CBS, is The Big Bang Theory. My. Favorite. Comedy. Show. EVER. This show is freaking hilarious. One point in the show, I was laughing so hard no noise was coming out of my mouth. From the robotic hand to Sheldon and his first date figuring out that Penny has had 31 sexual partners, but over 150 boyfriends, in her life. This show never disappoints.

Right after The Big Bang Theory on CBS is $#*! My Dad Says. It is a new comedy show and, along with CBS's pickup of Mike & Molly, the reason CBS had to have their comedy shows on two nights of the week. And this show seemed to lack what most comedies have: funny. I think this show should be labeled as "directed towards those 70+" because most of the jokes I feel my great-grandma might have laughed at. This show was blah.

To end the night on a very depressing note, Grey's Anatomy was on at 8 on ABC. Grey's Anatomy is quickly becoming my favorite show. And I'm sure that as soon as Smallville and Supernatural go off, Smallville this year and most likely Supernatural is going off this year as well, Grey's Anatomy will be in a race with V for the title of my favorite show. The season six finale of Grey's Anatomy last May had a shooter come into the hospital on a killing spree toward Derek, portrayed by Patrick Dempsey. Many new characters were killed off in one of the most intense season finales I have ever witnessed. The two-hour finale, which I watched again last Thursday, kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Tonight's episode was mainly just about the doctor's trying to get back on their feet after many of their coworkers and friends died. The emotional state I was in during this episode is probably how most people would have felt if something like this would have actually happened. I felt uneasy and very emotionally unstable. Along with all the therapy, there was a wedding, a new chief was hired after Derek quit since he couldn't take being chief after being shot, and Meredith was fighting the whole episode for the right to be cleared for surgery again. And then there's the whole curiosity of when/if Meredith is going to tell Derek she found out she was pregnant and that she had a miscarriage on the same day the shooter came into the hospital....gah!! this show can make someone an emotional wreck.

Right after Grey's Anatomy is it's spin-off show: Private Practice. I was going to watch it, but after seeing the "previously on Private Practice" I was very confused on what was going on since I didn't see much of last, I decided it was best not to watch it.

Thursday would be nothing without Grey's Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory. End of story.

Premier Week: Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday was phenomenal. Started off the night on ABC with their comedy block consisting of The Middle, Better With You, Modern Family, and Cougar Town at 7, 7:30, 8, and 8:30 respectively. I also tuned in for three new shows: Undercovers, The Whole Truth, and The Defenders.  After that, I switched to CBS for Criminal Minds.

The Middle was hilarious as always. It depicts a great view, and extremely accurate one at that, of life in an average, middle class society based in Indiana. Pretty much anyone I know can relate somewhat to this show. It was also pretty sweet that Doris Roberts guest starred in the premier as Brick's new teacher.

Better With You could have been better. It's pilot episode had a joke, once in awhile. It's a new comedy show ABC picked up starring Joanna Garcia(Reba), Jennifer Finnigan, some people I don't know, and Debra Jo Rupp(Kitty from That's 70's Show). It's about 3 couples. One couple's been married 35 years, one's been together 9 years and still not married, and one's been together seven weeks and they're engaged. The couples are all related. Most the girls are *itches, most the guys are arrogant, self-centered airheads. The end.

Modern Family totally ruined their chances at an awesome season two premier. I found the show, that I normally almost die laughing at each episode, very bland and unlikable. I was very disappointed in this emmy winning series, and if they don't do something to show that they deserve that award, they shouldn't expect to get an emmy again this year around.

I usually don't watch Cougar Town. I watched the premier of it last year, and it totally sucked. So, I never watched it the first season. But, they had Jennifer Aniston on, and I couldn't miss the Friends reunion...and well...this show sucks. I hate it. It is extremely unfunny. All the jokes and actors in it seem awkward(and not a funny awkward). Watching this episode made me realize why I didn't watch it in the first place.

Criminal Minds is most definitely my favorite crime show. It is dark and scary and very disturbing at times. And the season premier could not have been better. Tim Curry was the PERFECT actor choice for Billy Flynn, a serial killer who's been unknowingly killing people throughout the United States for over twenty-six years. It ends with JJ, portrayed by AJ Cook, convincing Billy to release the girl he had kidnapped by taking on the role of hostage negotiator and communicating with him through the Los Angeles emergency broadcast system. I think this is what sets up for JJ leaving the show next episode :( Criminal Minds airs at 8 on CBS.

The first new show of the night aired at 7...

Undercovers is a new show that airs on NBC. It is about a husband and wife who quit being spies so they can concentrate more on their marriage and take up a catering business, five years later they are asked to become spies again because and old friend goes missing. This show is very well thought out. It is extremely action packed, with just the right amount of romance a show like this needs. The actors are just spectacular, and I can't wait to see how this show continues on.

At 9 there were two new shows on...

One being The Whole Truth on ABC. This is a nice way to see a show go about the law, rather than the usual: crime scene, rollar coaster of evidence, guilty. You get to see what goes on behind the scenes with the prosecution and the defense. The show stars Rob Morrow and Maura Tierney and their chemistry on the show is excellent. They get the evidence, Morrow and Tierney's characters go at it...then at the end you find out if the verdict was correct or not by a little something something happening seconds before the credits role(like the pilot's episode with the defendant receiving the guilty verdict, then later on his daughter finds a little notebook, opens it, and the murder weapon falls out). Just outstanding. Hopefully it gets more viewers next week, or this show isn't gonna last.

The second new show for Wednesday night was The Defenders on CBS. I particularly wanted to watch this show because I've just recently bought some seasons of Sliders, the 1995 show which starred Jerry O'Connell, and this show has Jerry O'Connell, and also Jim Belushi. It too is much different than the normal shows that start with crime, then comes evidence train, and automatic guilty verdict. This show is about the opposite side. The ones defending the "criminals". And the pilot episode made a good start to the show. There was some good, cheap comedy included and they got their not guilty verdict for a guy killed someone beating up his brother. Very good show indeed.

Altogether, the comedy shows were a bit of a disappointment, while the returning crime/action shows were outstanding. The new crime/action shows were what most impressed me the most and I am extremely impressed with how they all turned out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Premier Week: Tuesday, September 21, 2010: Ruined

So, the power went out yesterday and nothing got recorded...and i was unable to watch anything. And my computer sucks, so I'm not going to even attempt to find all the shows online and watch them to blog about them. I'll watch next week's episodes and tell you what I think, No Ordinary Family isn't premiering until next week and I was going to have to put up a blog about it separately, I guess now I won't have to.

The shows I was planning on watching the premiers of were: NCIS(before I give it up for No Ordinary Family), Glee, Raising Hope, and Running Wilde. I'll let you know what I think next week.

I did, however, go to my grandma's house...because she had power...and I caught the first Dancing with the Stars: Results episode...but I think this is the worst season of Dancing With the Stars, with people like "The Situation" on it. I'm hoping Kyle Massey or Margaret Cho win. But...what usually happens with my reality television choices, is they usually turn out totally opposite. I wasn't even gonna watch Dancing with the Stars this season, but I don't really get a choice when it's my grandma's tv. Oh, and David Hasselhoff was the first to be eliminated just fyi.

So, TTFN ta ta for now ;)