Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In English we are reading The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and now that we've finished the book our teacher has so kindly allowed us to watch the 1996 film version of the play. This movie probably hasn't been properly reviewed in over a decade, so this is what I'm here for...

The film stars Daniel Day Lewis(There Will Be Blood) and Winona Ryder(Mr. Deeds). And the actors cast for these roles are.....perfect. I was absolutely p*ssed at Abigail the entire movie and for the people being hanged/hung/whatever I felt deeply trouble(especially because of the horror and upset on Rebecca Nurse's face at the end...*sigh*). Also....Mary Pat Gleason....one of my favorite non super famous actress, who mainly just guest stars on shows/films...but it made my day when I realized she was in the film. The actors really brought emphasis to how crazy and extreme this event of the Salem Witch Trials was. This film has one of the greatest casts I have seen.

One thing I noticed from the very start of the film was how great the score(the music) was. There is nothing more annoying than a movie with a score that does not fit, like an intense war seen with teen pop music playing in the background...NO. And the score to this film fit perfectly. It was dark and dreary when something bad was going down. At times it made me nauseous and just made me feel like I wanted to punch someone in the face.

And like the cast and the score...the setting too was perfect. Just outstanding. I actually felt that this is what Salem could have looked like. And the setting also made the mood much darker.

Gosh, I'm pretty much just repeating that this movie was perfect and awesome. Every aspect, name something and I'll probably say that it was perfect in this film. Cast? Check. Score? Check. Setting? Check. Directing? Check. Check. Check. Check. Check.

This is an extremely intense movie. And 100% my favorite movie that we have watched in English class for all four years of high school so far, actually...probably my favorite movie of English class of my educational life. There wasn't one point where I was nodding off, which is usually what happens...and that is a HUGE accomplishment, in my book, for a decade old movie. I usually prefer fresh, new movies. And this movie did seem fresh and new. If Ms. Fultz would have said it just came out on DVD a few weeks ago, I probably would have believed her. This is a movie I could watch over and over again, even though I was deeply depressed by the end...

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad you liked it. You're so right, the casting is perfect. Daniel Day-Lewis is one of my favorite actors of alllll time! He's awesome in Last of the Mohicans.

    I love how intense The Crucible movie is. The end scene gets me every time. It does look new and fresh. 1996 doesn't seem that long ago to me, but there definitely is a difference in cinematic quality between movies from then and now in most cases. That's really cool it's your favorite ever watched in class. I'm excited for you to watch the movie we're gonna watch that goes with Macbeth. You're gonna love it :) :) I'm keeping it a secret til then ;)
