Saturday, October 2, 2010

TEA Time with Tyler

This week I'm starting a new series of blogs called TEA (ThEAter) Time with Tyler. As soon as I see a movie at the theater, I'll come home and tell you about it. Hopefully all my reviews will be good, because there is nothing worse than a bad movie experience. But not once have I ever walked out of a movie, which I guess is a good thing. Now that I'm starting this series of blogs, maybe I can use it as an excuse to go to the movies more often. :D we'll see. =)

First up to bat is You Again. I absolutely adored this movie so much. There were so many amazing actors/actresses in it, like Kristin Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver, Kristin Chenoweth, a cameo by "The Rock", and the outstanding Betty White.

Quick plot summary from Wikipedia...Marni (Kristen Bell), discovers her brother, Will (James Wolk), is about to marry her high school rival, Joanna (Odette Yustman), and sets out to expose the fiancee's true colors. The plot thickens when Marni's mother Gail (Jamie Lee Curtis) meets up with Joanna's aunt Ramona (Sigourney Weaver), and it is revealed that Gail and Ramona were also high school rivals.

This does seem more like an old lady movie, however. And critics aren't liking this movie at all. I'd give this movie a B because it stretched out too many parts that should have been quicker, but the audience in the theater I went to was loving it, got many obnoxious laughs from a bunch of people. But the concept of the movie was well thought out, and Betty White and Jamie Lee Curtis made this movie much better. And not once did I look at my cell phone to see if the movie was almost over, which is saying something since I even did that during Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Also, the Cloris Leachman guest appearance at the end was epically awesome. Her and Betty White together was amazing.

If you're going to see this what I did, and take your grandma. It's not really exciting enough for the kids. But it does have a little spark for the teens.

1 comment:

  1. It does look like an old lady movie in the previews. I might just wait til video. Like the title of this: TEA Time with Tyler! Creative!
