Thursday, October 21, 2010

DVD of the Week: Steamboy

Week Eight of my DVD of the Week post is....

This is the most expensive full length Japanese film to date, and was in production for TEN YEARS. The film revolves around a young 13 year old James "Ray" Steam( English voiced by Anna Paquin) living in an altered form of Manchester, England. It mainly takes place in a warped science fiction 19th Century London. His main objective throughout most of the film is to protect the newly invented(by Ray's Grandfather( English voiced by Patrick Stewart)) steamball. It's mainly just a back and forth of who's the bad group of characters in the book. First you think the dad is bad, then the grandpa, then just blah! Idk. 

The movie has a good storyline. And the historical fluctuations dealing with all the machinery and technology take overs was pretty cool. But suggestion before watching: take a nap. Even though the film is a only a little over 2 hours, it seems to go on forever at points because two hours is two long for an anime movie. I paused it multiple times so I could walk out of the room and take a break. And about the half way mark, I did fall asleep... but all-in-all, the film was a good watch. Especially the last 30 minutes or so, so much action and destruction, VERY INTENSE stuff!! I would highly recommend it. 


  1. What is the Steamball? And wwhwd with it?

  2. Uh...why was it so expensive? Everything is animated?
