Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And my life begins to crumble.

About two minutes ago I got the dreadful, unofficial(all the actors have pretty much said that they aren't getting their contracts renewed), news.....that my favorite summer television series of 2010 was cancelled after only one season. The Gates. Oh, ABC...why? why do you do this to me? I am a faithful follower of many of your television shows, and yet you keep punching me in the face. First Eastwick, now this. Hey, here's a suggestion....STOP AIRING SCIENCE FICTION SHOWS THAT I WILL GET HOOKED ON, WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave that to the Sy Fy Channel or even The CW, they seem to be doing an awesome job with it.

And the worst part is....their season(err...*tear*....series) finale was epic and amazing and crazy....and a horrible cliff hanger that will forever be unresolved. Ughh. One of the worst feelings in the world is when one of your favorite shows gets executed. It seems to be happening a lot to me. First TV show with a succubus as a main character, and it gets cancelled after 13 episodes...this sucks arse...

How the hell do you end a show with...
Mom: What did you do to my son?
Witch: I told you I could bring him back, I never said he would be the same..
**Roll End Credits**

I'm now going to go do what the Crimson Chin did when he found out he was a fictional character....go lie on the floor in the fetal position... :'(

R.I.P. The Gates June 20, 2010 -  September 19, 2010


  1. I never started watching this, but I know the feeling of the "crazy cliffhanger." It's a horrible feeling, and I am so sorry for your loss.
