Monday, October 25, 2010


I challenge thee....TO A DUEL!!! I wizard duel that is!! So, it is exactly 25 days until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART ONE comes out into theaters (part 2 comes out in 3D in 263 days).

And my challenge for my dozen blogger followers (3 of those followers are probably me), is to watch each and every(six) Harry Potter film up until the release date on November 19th. You could watch one every 3 days from now. You could watch one every day, starting on November 13, leading up to that Friday. Or you could start at 8 a.m. on November 18th, my 18th birthday, just fyi, and watch all the films nonstop, with an hour for driving/eating time, so you can make it to the midnight premier.

Personally, I'm probably just going to watch them at random times and random dates on spaces of the timeline up until then. Most likely, just when I feel like it. I'll probably start tonight, cause I kind of feel like it. But oh well, I'm going to watch them. And that's all that matters.

For you stupid people...the films are as follows, and in this order...

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

So get out of here and go watch 'em before I Avada Kadavara your ass. O.O

*Photos are in order of films...last one being the newest poster for the HP7pt1*


  1. Haha, I like Harry Potter.. But I'm not to good at following in the books, and I wanna see the new ones :D

  2. Great idea! And thanks for the order of the movies/books....uh, because I'm one of those stupid people and didn't remember. I look forward to seeing the new one!
