Saturday, November 6, 2010

DVD of the Week: Penelope

Week Ten of my DVD of the Week Post is....

So, this whole "blogging thing" is pretty fun. And time seems to be flying. Can't believe we're already on week ten. So...last week I was planning on having this big "WEEK TEN" blog as some special movie that meant a lot to me. But I just realized that there's less than 2 hours until it's time for the "week eleven" blog, so I went into my room, closed my eyes, and picked a movie....but I didn't like the movie I picked, so I moved my finger two movies over and came across "Penelope". I absolutely ADORE this movie. I have watched this several times.

And I. Love. Every. Single. Stinking. Actor. That. Is. In. This. Twist. On. Fairy. Tale. Movie. And. Yes. This. Whole. Word. Then. Period. Thing. Is. Getting. Quite. Annoying. So,. I'll. Stop. Now. :)

Christina Ricci played Penelope beautifully, my eyes were pretty much glued to the screen the entire time. And James McAvoy is always a great choice as a romance character in a comedy film. And Catherine O'Hara, if I were blessed, and given up for adoption...I'd want Catherine O'Hara as my adoptive mother.. xD

If you havn't already seen this...go see it. It's very cute and a nice watch.


  1. I love this movie too! It's a great story. =)

  2. i've been wanting to seee that movie!! :D

  3. What fairy tale is it a take on? I haven't heard of it.
