Saturday, September 25, 2010

Premier Week: Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Thursday night of premier week was full of drama, comedy, and a dash of mockumentary.

We'll start with the mockumentary at 7p.m. My Generation is another new show ABC released for it's fall lineup. It follows a group of young adults who were filmed for a documentary just before their graduation from Greenbelt High School in Austin, Texas to talk about their hopes and dreams they want to accomplish as adults. They meet up ten years later and talk about how their lives are now, and whether or not things went as they were planned in high school. There aren't any stars I recognized, and they only name I recognized was Julian, I'm not going to talk about the stars. Google "My Generation actors" or something.

Also at 7, this time on CBS, is The Big Bang Theory. My. Favorite. Comedy. Show. EVER. This show is freaking hilarious. One point in the show, I was laughing so hard no noise was coming out of my mouth. From the robotic hand to Sheldon and his first date figuring out that Penny has had 31 sexual partners, but over 150 boyfriends, in her life. This show never disappoints.

Right after The Big Bang Theory on CBS is $#*! My Dad Says. It is a new comedy show and, along with CBS's pickup of Mike & Molly, the reason CBS had to have their comedy shows on two nights of the week. And this show seemed to lack what most comedies have: funny. I think this show should be labeled as "directed towards those 70+" because most of the jokes I feel my great-grandma might have laughed at. This show was blah.

To end the night on a very depressing note, Grey's Anatomy was on at 8 on ABC. Grey's Anatomy is quickly becoming my favorite show. And I'm sure that as soon as Smallville and Supernatural go off, Smallville this year and most likely Supernatural is going off this year as well, Grey's Anatomy will be in a race with V for the title of my favorite show. The season six finale of Grey's Anatomy last May had a shooter come into the hospital on a killing spree toward Derek, portrayed by Patrick Dempsey. Many new characters were killed off in one of the most intense season finales I have ever witnessed. The two-hour finale, which I watched again last Thursday, kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Tonight's episode was mainly just about the doctor's trying to get back on their feet after many of their coworkers and friends died. The emotional state I was in during this episode is probably how most people would have felt if something like this would have actually happened. I felt uneasy and very emotionally unstable. Along with all the therapy, there was a wedding, a new chief was hired after Derek quit since he couldn't take being chief after being shot, and Meredith was fighting the whole episode for the right to be cleared for surgery again. And then there's the whole curiosity of when/if Meredith is going to tell Derek she found out she was pregnant and that she had a miscarriage on the same day the shooter came into the hospital....gah!! this show can make someone an emotional wreck.

Right after Grey's Anatomy is it's spin-off show: Private Practice. I was going to watch it, but after seeing the "previously on Private Practice" I was very confused on what was going on since I didn't see much of last, I decided it was best not to watch it.

Thursday would be nothing without Grey's Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory. End of story.

1 comment:

  1. i've never really been a fan of grey's anatomy.
    a lot of people say that it's gotten really lame.
