Monday, September 13, 2010

DVD of the Week: South Park Season Eleven

Week three of my DVD of the Week Post is.....

**Warning: Possible Spoilers**

Oh, South Park. How you never seem to disappoint when someone needs a quick laugh. I bought this at Wal-mart the day of my trip to Dragon*Con, thinking I'd be able to watch it on the eleven hour ride down there. But my DVD players is a piece of crap, and wouldn't work without the lighter outlet thingy(which was being used for the GPS). I was also planning on making it my week two DVD pick of the week, but had to bump it up to week three since things didn't go according to plans and I just got done watching it.

The one thing I like about South Park is that, even after eleven years(of DVDs I have, currently 14 on TV), the racist, prejudice, cruel, inhumane jokes never get old. Sometimes the jokes are so horrific that I feel bad when I laugh at them...but then I get over it and laugh some more. Rarely do shows last many many seasons and stay as clever as they did from the beginning. Even Spongebob Squarepants hasn't done that.

In the box set is the TV movie, Imaginationland, South Park released during it's eleventh season. It is about Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny trying to save their imaginations from terrorists. The terrorists and up blowing up the gate that separates the evil imaginary characters from the good ones. This unleashes havoc in Imaginationland, and if the havoc isn't controlled it will unleash havoc on man-kind.  In the end...the U.S. government nukes Imagionationland and Butters has to save the day by recreating everything with his imagination.....just fyi....this was probably the hardest paragraph I have ever had to type in my entire life because everytime I typed "imagination" the episode of Spongebob Squarepants with the box would pop in my head and I'd get distracted and well...enough said...

This season of South Park was also an Emmy award-winning season. And in episode nine, entitled "More Crap", South Park makes fun of this fact multiple times by posting a little bulletin saying "Emmy Award-Winning Series" at the most gruesome of times(see picture below).

My favorite episode of the series would most definitely have to be the season finale, entitled "The List". In the episode, the girls of the class list the boys in the class from cutest to ugliest. When Kyle finds out he is at the very bottom of the list, even behind Cartman, he goes into a depression. Stan tries to find out why Kyle is at the bottom of the list with the assistance of Wendy. They uncover a secret that the list was forged to make Clyde the cutest boy, thus he was date able so that the girls could date him and get free shoes from his father's  store. Wendy and Stan go to the school to tell Kyle and stop him from burning the school down, but Bebe(leader of the girls) shows up with a gun to stop them. Bebe and Wendy get in a scuffle over the gun and it goes off. When both of them come too, neither of them are shot. Five seconds later, the screen shifts to Kenny's house...AND THE FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS, Kenny is, once again, killed. :-)

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