Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Least Favorite Movies

Special thanks to Lauren over at the Holiday Madness blog for suggesting I make a "Least Favorite Movies" list. Now, I will say that I am not that picky when it comes to movies. And I have found that a lot of the movies other people hate, I actually find a bit likable. So, this list definitely won't be as huge as the "Favorite Movies" list. I'm not going to split it into categories...I'm just going to count down my ten least favorite movies starting with number ten....

10) The Last Airbender
Biggest Film Disappointment

9) The Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience
All 3D concert movies are a waste of money. end of story.

8) March of the Penguins
Love penguins...hated this.

7) Decoys
I don't know what the hell this film was...just. plain. weird.

6) Leatherheads
Lamer than Lame.

5) 2012

4) Speed Racer
One big headache.

3) Splice
I'm surprised M. Night Shyamalan didn't make this one...

2) Dragonball Evolution
Worst Live-Action Adaptation Ever.


1) Epic Movie
No. No. No. No. No. No.

Well, there you go. My least favorite movies(as of September 7, 2010). I'm sure in the decades to come, this list will be updated, sadly. I recommend never watching this movies...ever. And if you already have....I'm sorry.


    1. Soo many things to say about this.
      1) i loved March of the Penguins. I don't think you got the right message out of it. I can understand why you don't like it, though.

      2) How could you think for one second that the Jonas Brothers movie would be worth seeing?

      3) SPLICE. 'nough said.

      4) I hate joke movies such as Epic Movie. Ick.

    2. did you go see the Jonas brothers movie? and if so are you a prepubescent girl??

      Hated DragonBall Evolution.....Dragonball Z was amaz-z-z-zing!
