Thursday, September 9, 2010

Drag on Dragon*Con

This weekend I went down to Dragon*Con in Georgia with two friends., and the four days seemed to go by so fraking fast. I wish that it would have dragged on longer, cause there was much more I would have liked to see and have done. The eleven hour drive down(and back) was most definitely the worst part of the trip...but it was worth it!! We stayed at the Hyatt, and the con spanned across four hotels. I stood in line for about 2 1/2 hours to get my badge. And after that, the fun began! There were seven of us in one hotel room, which really helped out on hotel cost.
After I got introduced to my awesome roomates, we kind of just wandered around for the first day to see what all was going on in the hotel. I went to a Firefly panel, even though I had never seen a single episode of Firefly, and surprisingly enjoyed it, especially the one with Morena Baccarin(top picture). :) Love her sooo much!! She plays Anna in the 2009 remake of V(bottom picture). I ended up getting her autograph, and pretty much feinting in the process. I also got the autographs of James and Oliver Phelps(the Weasley twins from Harry Potter), but when I got their autographs, everything was all fine-and-dandy, no almost feinting incidents. Lol :)

I donated blood and got an awesome t-shirt for doing so. The stupid thing I did afterwards was walk up 7 stories worth of stares so I wouldn't have to deal with the crowded elevators. ugh. Almost died doing that. Then, when I got up to the room, no one was there. And I had no key, so I sat outside the room for about an hour or so. After I donated blood and went to the two firefly panels, I mainly just went around with Lori and Ashlyn(the two people I came down to Georgia with) and took some pictures with some awesome cos-players(people who dress up). And I also got two AWESOME hats while there, a Pikachu hat and a Gir hat, because for some unknown reason, my ginger hair wouldn't listen to i got some hats to fix the problem. :) Down below are a bunch of my photos from that weekend. 

Officer Jenny! This is most definitely my favorite picture!!

Gingy from Shrek :) you can see the guy through his mouth though. LMAO! xD

Me, at some anime religion panel. Just being Gir. :)

Creepy Catwoman. 

This is the closest I came to actually seeing Brandon Routh and Laura Vandervoort. :(

VENOM!!!---I almost got to see his true identiy, as you can tell by his mask falling off. lol

Russell, the wilderness explorer scout. From UP.

Hawkman!!!--and Monday morning, right before we left to go back home, I got to see the guy that actually plays Hawkman in Smallville(along w/ the Black Canary's actress) :)))


My little brother, Trent, request I get a picture with an here ya go Trent. :)

The best Katara cos-player at Dragon*Con.

Gettin my picture taken with Link---while wearing a Link T-Shirt. Happy moment right here :)


Avatar Aang and Suki, leader of the Kioshi warriors...from the CARTOON Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty. <3


It annoyed me that some people cos-played as people who really didn't belong at Dragon*Con...and this was one of them people...but this was too cool NOT to get a picture. :)

Batman & Batgirl...the ultimate duo. 

Kick-ass with a camera....beware!!

This is the highlight of my weekend. I saw them from my hotel balcony, but by the time I went down to look for them, they were gone. Last night at Dragon*Con...I found them!!! :-)

I will definitely do everything in my power to go back next year. Hopefully this time I can get a picture with Morena Baccarin, and hopefully Laura Vandervoort won't cancel a week before Dragon*Con. :) 


  1. Great pics, Tyler! Looks like such a fun time! (Other than the massive blood loss + physical exertion). I love the UP costume!

  2. Not gonna lie, Dragon Con could maybesortakinda sound cool. Maybe. =) Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and you got some awesome pictures. I'm totally stealing the pikachu hat, by the way. =D
