Sunday, September 19, 2010

Goodbye Summer shows

**As usual...I must warn of the possible SPOILERS...soo....this is your warning**

There were many new and old summer shows that came on this year to replace the shows that were going on hiatus in May. Well, this week they all came to an end. *sad face*

The two shows I watched this year that I have watched before this summer, and they are two of my favorite summer shows, are Big Brother and America's Got Talent. Both shows I am EXTREMELY disappointed with. I try not to get into reality shows, because I'm NEVER happy with the results.

On the season finale of America's Got Talent it was down to Prince Poppycock, Michael Grimm, Jackie Evancho, and Fighting Gravity. My hopes were that Prince Poppycock was to win, followed by Fighting Gravity, Jackie Evancho, and the HORRIBLE Michael Grimm, who shouldn't have made it to the finale in the first place. The night before the finale, they all had a last performance to try and get America's vote. Everyone did well...except for Prince Poppycock. He totally effed himself on what I believe is his worst performance of the entire season. And I do believe this is the on time a contestant has ever got BUZZED on the last performance night. That's right, Prince BUZZED, by judge Piers Morgan. His act was much more boring and depressing than it has ever been. Fighting Gravity was just as awesome as they always are, Jackie Evancho is just as uninteresting, and Michael Grimm was just as suckish as all the other episodes. Then on results night, which was also the season finale , they had some of their biggest idols come on and perform with them one last time. Prince Poppycock got to sing with Donna Summer, Michael Gramm sang with Jewel, Fighting Gravity performed while Lionel Richie sang, and Jackie Ovanco sang with Sarah Brightman. If Prince Poppycock would have done a performance the night before, like the one he did with Donna Summer, he would have done MUCH better. But, the results were pretty much opposite my hopes. Prince Poppycock came in LAST, Fighting Gravity came in 3RD(and after that happened, I wanted to shut the tv off), Jackie Evancho came in a surprising 2nd place, and Michael Grimm came in last. This was most definitely the worst results I have ever witnessed on America's Got Talent. I am still deciding if I watch it or not next year..

And the same thing happened on the finale of Big Brother. EXCEPT, for the fact that I hated Enzo and I wanted him to come in third....and he did. :) Well, it was down to Enzo, Hayden, and Lane. Ever since it came down to them three I wanted Enzo to come in last, Hayden to come in 2nd, and Lane to take the win. Well, Hayden won. Lane didn't. But at least with Big Brother they give the runner up $50,, these results weren't as disappointing. And Brittany won America's vote for "Favorite Houseguest" which made me somewhat happy as well.

Now, three shows that weren't on last year that I got into during the summer were normal, non-reality, shows. And they were two really good shows. 

Huge, is simply about huge people. Attending fat camp. It stars Hairspray's Nikki Blonskey. It had some good story lines revolving around people changing due to their wanting to be popular. And girls wanting relationships. It's also has a lot to do with people wanting to find out about who they really are as a person.

Hot In Cleavland stars Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, Wendie Malick, and the outstanding Betty White. I would not have even considered watching this if it wasn't for Betty White. This is your typical comedy show. Most of the jokes, however, are all dried up and pointless. There are rarely any laughs. If the show is taped before a live-studio audience, the only reason they audience is laughing is because "LAUGH" is probably appearing above them or something. But, this is TV Land's #1 show of all time,'s been renewed for a second season to begin much earlier, in January, than last year. There were a few times I did laugh, but when I did...I wasn't really too proud of myself for laughing...

The Gates is about a vampire-werewolf-succubus-witch run community(so far, those are the only four mythical beings in the show) that live with unsuspecting humans inside a gated community. These gates are what keep the community running smoothly, and everyone "safe". There is one main rule for the mythical beings that live in the gates: no hunting inside the gates. Well, sometimes the rule is broken. The myths and legends about all these creatures are somewhat still in tact...except, the myths and legends are somewhat modernized. The succubus still needs to feed off the life-force of others, except there's a witch that has made a pill that creates an artificial life-force for her to feed off of so no one gets hurt. The vampires still get cooked by the sun...except, they use very powerful sunblock so they can wander around freely. The show focuses mainly around one man, Nick Monohan(played by Frank Grillo), who is reassigned from working his cop job in Chicago to working as sheriff in the gates. As the season progressed, the show became more and more exciting, leading up to the two-hour finale with a cliff hanger almost as intense V's cliffhanger this past May. It ends with us finding out one of the cops, who I believed was a vampire the entire series, isn't a vampire, she just doesn't have a heart. All the vampires are after Devon, a witch who practices dark magic. One of the werewolves became so jealous that he watered down Andie's, a succubus, medicine. Andie, not knowing that her medicine is incapable of stopping her ability, kisses her boyfriend Charlie, Nick's son. The kiss sucks out so much of Charlie's life force that his body can't heal its self properly. Charlie's parents are told only Devon can save him. Devon makes a potion/spell that can bring someone back to life right after they die, she kills Charlie, and brings him back. After he wakes up he finds out Andie left the gates so he would be safe from her. The vampires then come in to take Devon away since she created this potion that can kill them all. Charlie walks down stairs, but he is not the same. His dad, Nick, walks over to him to see what's wrong and Charlie does this weird blast thing that knocks Nick to the ground. By this time I'm just freakin out, having no clue what's going on. Then...everyone looks at Devon who says "I told you I could bring him back, I never said he'd be the same." then the end credits roll......WHOA!!!!!!!!!! If ABC doesn't renew this for a second season, someone is going to get, seriously....

So, of the five summer shows that I regularly watched this summer, my all time favorite was The Gates. If/when it comes out on DVD, I highly recommend getting it. It stars out a bit slow, as a lot of shows do, but by then end you're on the edge of your seat just waiting for something exciting to happen, which did. Summer 2011 will be here before you know it. And I too will be there, watching. 

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