Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Premier Week: Tuesday, September 21, 2010: Ruined

So, the power went out yesterday and nothing got recorded...and i was unable to watch anything. And my computer sucks, so I'm not going to even attempt to find all the shows online and watch them to blog about them. I'll watch next week's episodes and tell you what I think, No Ordinary Family isn't premiering until next week and I was going to have to put up a blog about it separately, I guess now I won't have to.

The shows I was planning on watching the premiers of were: NCIS(before I give it up for No Ordinary Family), Glee, Raising Hope, and Running Wilde. I'll let you know what I think next week.

I did, however, go to my grandma's house...because she had power...and I caught the first Dancing with the Stars: Results episode...but I think this is the worst season of Dancing With the Stars, with people like "The Situation" on it. I'm hoping Kyle Massey or Margaret Cho win. But...what usually happens with my reality television choices, is they usually turn out totally opposite. I wasn't even gonna watch Dancing with the Stars this season, but I don't really get a choice when it's my grandma's tv. Oh, and David Hasselhoff was the first to be eliminated just fyi.

So, TTFN ta ta for now ;)

1 comment:

  1. man that sucks when the power goes out.
    I have to agree with this season sucking!
