Friday, August 27, 2010

A Bust of a Block

When's the last time you went into Blockbuster? My answer...I don't know. And I'm sure that that's the same answer for quite a few of you, as well as many MANY people throughout the world. And this is probably one of the reason Blockbuster, INC has decided to file for bankruptcy, but the main reason being that, since 2008 they have lost OVER 1 billion(yes, billion) dollars. Amazon, Family Video, Best Buy, and an occasional stop in Wal-mart's movie department are the top four places I, personally, go to for movies and TV box sets.

Blockbuster is planning on closing anywhere from 500 to 800 stores across the world. But they do plan on opening more kiosks (already 6000 around the World). So, maybe Blockbuster will become an all kiosk company, and end up closing all of their stores to save a bit of money.

How often do you go to blockbuster? And will this effect you Central Illinois people if the Blockbuster in Danville and/or Champaign are closed?


  1. I don't think I've ever been in a Blockbuster, so if they close around here, I won't be too disappointed. If they go to an all kiosk business, their business might be better. They don't have to pay salaries that way.

  2. Craziness! Netflix will be the death of them!
