Thursday, August 26, 2010

The bomb of Summer '10

There were a lot of great movies that came out during the summer of 2010 and there are still more to come since there's a little under four weeks of summer left. Movies like Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me, which have earned almost 1 billion and almost 300 million, respectively, that got the entire family to get up and go to the movies. However, when most people left the movie theaters after watching Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me, they were more than happy, as I was after seeing Despicable Me. But one movie that has had OVERWHELMING negative reviews, would have to be The Last Airbender. I am a DIE HARD Avatar: The Last Airbender(cartoon) fan.  This post is going to be the one and only time I EVER mention the movie version of The Last Airbender. I want to get this out of the way so I never have to speak of it again.

**For those of you that have never seen the movie here is a link to the IMDB database for the film's plot, cast list, ect.

Okay, so, for a moment here, I'm just going to rant about how p.o.ed I am about this movie and and list all the things M. Night screwed up. So, bare with me. *****WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS***** Ready? Okay...

**Cartoon Aang: Happy the moment he stepped out of the Iceberg...Movie Aang: depressed throughout the movie, and constantly looks like he wants to cut his wrists. There was no personality to the movie Aang. The whole cartoon series revolves around how Aang wants to keep the world happy and peaceful. Well, I saw no happiness from Aang in the movie.

**WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO KATARA'S HEALING POWERS?????????? ummm....she kinda sort of needs those when Aang DIES at the end of the second movie, or are you going to take that EXTREMELY important part out too M. Night?

**And here's the most obvious problem: the acting sucked. But personally, I put 100% of the blame on M. Night Shyamalan. Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Jackson Rathbone, ect. had very little to go off of, since the script was absolutely outrageous.

**The plot line jumped all over the place. Yes, in the cartoon they traveled all over the place, but in the movie it was waaay to fast. And yes, I know M. Night didn't have 8 hours worth of material like the first season of the cartoon did, but he could have made it much smoother.

**Appa had such a demon-like personality. He was the fluffy, cuddly, lovable beast that we all know and love. In the movie, he just looked obnoxious and like he didn't belong.

**Of all the characters cut from the film...why King Bumi????? HE COULD HAVE AT LEAST BEEN MENTIONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ba-sing-se was mentioned like 5 times in the film, you could have at least said something about Omashu and mentioned him. That would have at least satisfied me.

**And we never actually heard anyone say "Master Pakku", we saw him, we heard him speak. But not once can I recall his name ever being mentioned. This little detailed made him seem much less important in the film.

**I was very upset by how Commander Zhao(in the cartoon he was promoted to Admiral) was drowned. That part was actually hard to watch in the film. In the cartoon, when Aang goes all superpowered in his attack on the fire nation, the ocean spirit ends up taking Commander Zhao...and it was just implied that he drowned in the cartoon. In the film, we had to watch him die, really slowly as well.

**M. Night said in that nickelodeon interview that he felt the fire nation should be limited to bending, as all the other benders are. That's why only the best benders can make their own fire. THAT IS IDIOTIC!!! The fire nation is supposed to be terrifying and deadly, and when they could make their own fire in the cartoon they seemed that way. In the film, it just made them look like pansies, good job with that M. Night.

**I hated how Aang only scared the fire nation with that giant wave, I WANTED TO SEE SOME AWESOME SPIRIT WORLD DISTRUCTION, in the cartoon he blasted some ships back and everything...but NOOOO, M. Night had to take the best action from the cartoon out of the film.

**And the thing that ticked me off the most(here comes the die hard Avatar: the last airbender fan)...THEY REFERRED TO GRAN GRAN AS GRANDMA, NOT ONCE DID THEY CALL HER GRAN GRAN!!!!!!!!!!! M. NIGHT IS SERIOUSLY EFFED UP IN THE HEAD!!!

Okay, I'm done ranting about all the movie's flaws. I will say, however, that the CGI in the movie was spectacular. I loved how Appa and Momo LOOKED. And the set designs were just amazing, I was in awe of the set the whole time. Also, James Newton Howard's music never disappoints(to say the least) So far The Last Airbender has made a little over 225 million, and it just started premiering in overseas markets a few weeks ago. So, I'm expecting, and really hoping, that the 2nd movie gets greenlit. YES, even though I have a huge list of things wrong with the film, I'd still really like to see how the 2nd movie goes. For the cartoon series, each season got better. So, hopefully the same will go for The Last Airbender

Now, here's a list of suggestions I think SHOULD be in the 2nd film...

**M.Night needs to fix Aang's personality in the 2nd one so that we don't see the same dull, boring Avatar that we saw in the film.

**Keep Toph's personality and background the same (blind, rich, overprotected earthbending GIRL).

**Ba-Sing-Se better still have its great wall and the dai li agents.

*Ty Lee and Mai still better make an appearance and still have their awesome chi-blocking and steel star throwing skills.

*Do more w/ momo and appa

*Give Katara her healing powers, even though it was supposed to be in the first film.

*Aang better still die and break the avatar cycle at the end.

*The kioshi warriors, bumi, and katara's dad should make a late appearance as well.


*I wanna see some sand benders and the giant owl from the great library, mentioned many times in the film.

*And there better be some lightning from little miss Azula(who I think looked AMAZING in the film) =) 

So, this is it for my first blog. And like I said, as soon as this is posted, out of respect for the cartoon series Avatar: The Last Airbender, I won't even mention this dreadful movie. I had to post this so that I can get on with things. 
Down below is a quick clip from one of the best action sequences of the movie. **I do not own this video, all rights to this video belong solely to Paramount Pictures** Another good thing about the movie, was the long CGI of which, is shown in the video.

Also, quick suggestion to Paramount....FIRE M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN, DO NOT EVEN LET HIM THINK ABOUT WHAT TO PUT(er, more like leave out) IN THE NEXT MOVIE!!! GET SOMEONE NEW!!! ANYONE IS BETTER THAN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Last Airbender was horrible Tyler the only reason i thought it was good was because i seen it with you :)
