Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye For Now...

Dear My Twelve Blogger Followers from my Writing class(two of which are me),
I have a bit of some sad new...I will no longer be hosting this movies/television blog constantly. Try to hold back the tears on that information. Instead, I will be moving on to have a sort of short story blog. will be over my character of Moosey that I created near the end of my junior year. I will be posting the ones I have already written(and probably rewrite a few that have not survived the 8 months) to catch those of you up that weren't in my English class, and to refresh the memories of those that were.
So, unless I attend a sitting in a movie theater or something overly excites me(like the new season of V coming January 4), I won't be on.
I hope you'll like what I have in store.
So, Until then.................
A fond farewell my lovelies.

Tyler Thomas VanOstrand; the first

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tea Time With Tyler

And now...for the second installment of Tea Time With Tyler :-)
So, on the 19th of November, I went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Yes it was a month ago, but deal with it. Didn't feel like blogging then. But not much to say...except... it. was. awesome. the end...well, not the end yet. So much sadness...from the very(and I mean VERY) beginning, to the end. This movie just depressed me. For one big reason: all the death that happened in this part alone. I knew it was coming, but wasn't quite ready for it. On the note of's a picture. If you know who it is, you should be sad. If not...go watch the movie and have a good long cry.